Hier findest Du die Liste der Teams und ihrer Aufgaben. Wenn Du weitere Fragen hast, schaue in den FAQ nach.
A/V Angel
As A/V Angel you are responsible for making sure that the persons at home can follow the talks held at the location. This involves operating the camera, audio and video mixing equipment.
- Name
- Thunfisch
- Name
- guserav
Bar Angel
As Bar angel you are responsible that no one is left without a drink at the venue. You need to hand out drinks and produce cocktails and ensure that there is always enough to drink in the refrigerators.
- Name
- Westfuchs
Coffee Angel
As this angel you are responsible for supplying the venue with hot beverages from a portafilter machine.
- Name
- Crexy
- 2739
As Herald your responsibility is the well being of the speakers at the event, as well as giving a short instruction of them at the beginning of the talk and moderating the questions section.
- Name
- Meins
Verantwortliche Person der PL. Muss während der Schicht vor Ort und nach kurzer Zeit ansprechbar sein.
- Name
- patrick246
- 2465
WOC Angel
As WOC Angel you are responsible for everything related to waffles, from producing the dough to baking them to crisp perfection.